24242 Poker club

First Season 09-10 Overview

Games Played 12
Start Date 11/2/2009
End Date 11/1/2010
Total Winnings $765.00
Points Leader Ashley Angus with 57 points
Winnings Leader Matt Hunt with $157.50
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Ashley "NOKARD" Angus 57 $157.00 $-23.00 12
Matt "Bell Pepper" Clayton 48 $145.00 $10.00 9
Cory "Cozza" Perkins 48 $119.00 $-61.00 12
Matt "Captain Snooooze" Hunt 36 $157.50 $67.50 6
Travis "UFC" Eaton 34 $129.00 $39.00 6
Josh "All in" Willis 14 $57.50 $12.50 3
Dean "p'O'ker" O'Callaghan 0 $0.00 $-45.00 3
Daniel "Nuggets" Pecina 0 $0.00 $0.00 0
Leigh "Lethal" Austin 0 $0.00 $0.00 0
Terry "Kanga" O' Grady 0 $0.00 $0.00 0

Schedule / Results

Game 15 4/4/2010 5:00 PM Not Yet Posted
Game 14 4/4/2010 3:00 PM Not Yet Posted
Game 13 4/4/2010 1:00 PM Not Yet Posted
Game 12 3/7/2010 4:15 PM Matt Clayton
Game 11 3/7/2010 2:00 PM Cory Perkins
Game 10 3/7/2010 12:00 PM Travis Eaton
Game 9 2/21/2010 4:15 PM Travis Eaton
Game 8 2/21/2010 2:00 PM Josh Willis
Game 7 2/21/2010 12:00 PM Matt Hunt
Game 6 1/3/2010 5:00 PM Matt Hunt
Game 5 1/3/2010 2:30 PM Ashley Angus
Game 4 1/3/2010 12:00 PM Matt Hunt
Game 3 12/6/2009 5:00 PM Matt Clayton
Game 2 12/6/2009 2:00 PM Ashley Angus
Game 1 12/6/2009 12:00 PM Ashley Angus
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Week 3
Feb Game 1:
Slow and careful start to betting. ‘Very soft’ some may say.
A big Welcome to the two debutants Josh ‘All in’ Willis and Travis ‘Apl’ Eaton.
Things start heating up after the first break and Cory was the first to fall without a shot being fired. Weak effort.
Travis, after just surviving with poo is finally gone by Matt H but Travis is just happy to recover from his hang over from hell and watch the UFC.
Massive betting by Josh all game, he went all in with a huge pot against the captain and its see ya later Josh.
Big heads up with Matty H and the RPST. $2000 pot goes to Ash and he seems to have control of game 1.
Big call by Ash but he is busted by the Captain ,and Captain Snooze takes out game one and continues his recent domination.
Game 2:
Much more courageous betting in game 2 Ash and Matt H are struggling and Josh puts Snooze out first. You beauty, ‘Nice one’ Josh.
Big call by Ash, Josh pulls trips on the river, out goes Ash ‘Nokard’ Angus.
Cory needs a heart on the turn or the river but it does not come and Josh takes down a third player in this game and it’s the debutants Trav and josh heads up.
Josh puts Trav away. Nice win Josh taking out all players.
Cory knocks out Ash first, pair of J’s over pair of 7’s. Wooooo Hoooo Ash is last in the big one and everyone is happy.
The RPST has been RPT.
4 way action creates a big pot, Trav raises all in for $1400 with trip 5’s, Josh calls with open ended straight draw but misses.
Josh goes all in Trav hits trips on the flop gets quads and its see ya Josh
Matty H goes all in K5, Cory has K10 see ya Matty H.
Heads up Trav & Cory looking for his first win.
Cory follows Trav all in, Cory J3 Trav A5. Flop 359 and Cory is in trouble. No help on the turn or river for Cory and Trav is victorious.
Well done Trav.
Thanks to all attending and looking forward to only a two week break.
24242 is getting stronger and is here to stay.
See you all in two weeks boys.
posted by Cory Perkins 5257 days ago
Happy new year to all at the 24242 Poker Jugarnaut members.
Unfortunately for most of us, the new year did not really bring any surprises with regards to the NOKARD RPST. He is points and money leader and has pulled out a handy lead, well done Ash.
There is however, a threat emerging in the shape of one Matt Çaptain snoooooooze' Hunt. 2 out of three wins and he is certainly on the Hunt. Look out number two angus, the big fella has you in his sights.
Thank you once again for your attendance and we are all very excited about the growth of the club and look forward to a few new participants in the coming weeks.
Week 2, Hunt, Angus, Hunt, well done fellas and it must be said that Cory still is yet to open his account for a victory. Thats Poo!!!!!
See ya all for the Feb Tourmnament once again at the clubhouse.
posted by Cory Perkins 5264 days ago
Week 1 News
Well week 1 has been run and won. After a dissapointing no show From ' lethal' Leigh Austin which will require a fine or a penalty of some description the day was enjoyed by the three who played.
Ash Angus once again was as tight as hell, and showed us how patience can pay off (Unfortunately).
In doing so he has become the chip and cash leader early in our season and he will be the one to catch.
Matty 'Bell Pepper' hit back with a late win to put some pressure on Angus # 2, but as far as I go, well lets just say i was a spectator making up the numbers on this occassion but look out cos I am coming.

Our next day on January 3rd hopefully will bring some other players into the fold and we can start having some serious pots to win and have some competition on the leaderboard.
Looking forward to jan 3 and asking anyone that may be interested to let us know and we need everyones email address to send RSVP's for the day.
Cheers to all and see you for event number 2
'Shuffle up and deal'
posted by Cory Perkins 5346 days ago
Welcome to the 24242 poker club.
Welcome all to the inaugural season of the 24242 poker club.
We began with a warm up event on Melbourne cup eve and now we move into the season.
Points will be calculated on this site during the season and can be viewed at any time.
A $20 Membership will apply when recieving your membership which will entitle you to a gaurantee of at seat at each game of each tournament event. A $5 surcharge will also apply for each player for each event day (not each game) and all these moneys during the year including membership will pay for our end of year grand final (Melbourne cup eve 2010)which will be open to friends and family members who would like to attend.
It is important to let me know if you are definately going to be there each event and pay accordingly so you get a starting seat at the table.
If we do have more than eight players for the event, then each player that is out will have the opportunity to buy in when a seat becomes vacant. So no-one will be left out.
No player can play in the final event of the day unless they have played in at least one of the previous two games.
Welcome to all and I hope this is the start of a great club with alot of great poker and laughs along the way.
Good luck to all.
'Shuffle up and deal'
posted by Cory Perkins 5359 days ago

Next Game

There are currently no upcoming games scheduled for this season.

Latest Results

Title: Game 12
Date/Time: 3/7/2010 4:15 PM
Location: 24242 Clubhouse
# of Players:
Total Payout: $80.00
Winner: Matt "Bell Pepper" Clayton