Game 26

Ashland Invitational Poker Club


Title Game 26
Game Type Unspecified
Buy-in $0.00
Date & Time 6/28/2011 at 7:00 PM
Location Church
Description Great Night, The Contest Continues

Deciding to play with only two on top of the Chart, two from the bottom, and an irregular regular in the middle, the five who entered the Thunderdome all came out alive. No one varied more than a single digit from even. The Chart remained unchanged on top as Rico and the Nemesis battled to a draw. The Founder slipped a bit closer on the Chart to the Dude, who took a two dollar Derelict. The Lord of Lowball played Regret against the Founder one too many times. The Lord, who has a single one dollar win to show for his four appearances so far this year, is currently hosting the Loser's Trophy. As usual, everyone proved good sports and great entertainment. (Plenty of doh moments were had.)
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PlacePlayerPointsBuy InWinningsEliminated By
1 Rico 3 $0.00 $7.00
1 The Nemesis 3 $0.00 $7.00
3 The Dude 2 $0.00 $3.00
4 Padre 1 $0.00 $-8.00
5 Lord of Lowball 0 $0.00 $-9.00
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