Game 20

Ashland Invitational Poker Club


Title Game 20
Game Type Unspecified
Buy-in $0.00
Date & Time 5/19/2015 at 7:00 PM
Location Church
Description Another Crazy Tight One

Again, everyone finished in single digits. The Lord of Lowball took first with a seven dollar win; the host was the only other winner at just four up. The Nemesis had a rare trophy win at only 9 down. The two dollar Derelict cut Speed's loss in half. Moe and the Dude both finished dead even.
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PlacePlayerPointsBuy InWinningsEliminated By
1 Lord of Lowball 5 $0.00 $7.00
2 Padre 4 $0.00 $4.00
3 Papi 2 $0.00 $0.00
3 The Dude 2 $0.00 $0.00
5 Speed 1 $0.00 $-2.00
6 The Nemesis 0 $0.00 $-9.00


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