Game 21

Ashland Invitational Poker Club


Title Game 21
Game Type Unspecified
Buy-in $0.00
Date & Time 5/30/2023 at 7:00 PM
Location Church
Description Fun's on the Bottom

For the second week in a row it was a twenty or more dollar first-place win from the bottom half of the chart. This week your Padre played host for a beautiful night on the deck and finished up twenty-two. Mitch played well and finished up four including his single-dollar derelict win. Speed worked his way back to even after being on for double digits. The very entertaining evening saw a straight flush from the Killer and quads, twice, from our Martian guest. Marvin's double-digit loss made the weekly loser's trophy irrelevant. Mmmmmm, cigars.
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PlacePlayerPointsBuy InWinningsEliminated By
1 Padre 4 $0.00 $22.00
2 Mitch 3 $0.00 $4.00
3 Speed 2 $0.00 $0.00
4 Zombie Killer 1 $0.00 $-7.00
5 Our Guest 0 $0.00 $-19.00


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