Game 31

Ashland Invitational Poker Club


Title Game 31
Game Type Unspecified
Buy-in $0.00
Date & Time 8/20/2024 at 7:00 PM
Location Church
Description Galactus Hungers! The Dark Knight Returns!

The planet eater Galactus is back; he finished first with a double digit win. Batman was finally back, too, just holding on to a bit of his night's fast-start winnings. Your host, aka Racer X, finished second again, and Mitch played well with volatile cards, finishing almost even with a three dollar derelict win. The guest from Mars? He's still improving—and still blundering into ill-advised betting and purely accidental wins. These are beautiful nights on the deck.
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PlacePlayerPointsBuy InWinningsEliminated By
1 Ray Gun 6 $0.00 $17.00
2 Padre 5 $0.00 $12.00
3 The Dude 4 $0.00 $4.00
4 Mitch 3 $0.00 $-2.00
5 Our Guest 2 $0.00 $-8.00
6 Doc 1 $0.00 $-10.00
7 Speed 0 $0.00 $-13.00


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