To join Badger Poker simply show up at one of the Nightly Tournaments and see a tournament director.

(Pro Tip; if you see Tim he sometimes has new member deals to offer.)

Read the About Badger Poker page to learn about how everything works and the different membership options. The schedule and location of our tournaments is also listed there so you know where to go to meet a tournament director and sign up!



Do not join the Badger Poker club in PPPoker until you have spoken to a tournament director and become a member. You will not be approved until you are a member.

Here are the steps you need to take to play Badger Poker events online.

  • Download the PPPoker app on your phone or computer (or both) and create your free account
  • Search for Club ID# 4232113 and request to join 
  • You must put your name in the name fields. Put first name and last intial in the nickname field as well. Once other players get to know you and your nickname, you can update the nickname later.
  • Wait for me to confirm your membership and load your free entry credit.